Locations and Details

Beijing, China

March 2-5

Institute Of Psychology, CAS, South Building, 9th floor

Chair: Xinian Zuo

The 2017 Brainhack in Beijing is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: zuoxinian@gmail.com




Xinian Zuo

TBD, Singapore

March 2-5

National University of Singapore

Chair: Anqi Qlu

The 2017 Brainhack in Singapore is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: bieqa@nus.edu.sg




Anqi Qlu

Wako, Japan

March 2-4


Chair: Yoshihiro Okumura

Brainhack Global 2017 Japan will be held at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute for 3 days (March 2-4, including Hinamatsuri festival) during this period.

Brainhack Global 2017 Japan is an event where researchers have an opportunity to collaborate on projects and related developments, share knowledge and engage in cooperative planning. The central theme for this event is thus cooperation and joint development with a goal towards promoting compatibility between existing systems and the creation of common formats. We hope this event will spur the development of common APIs and services such as Web-based information visualization and image processing systems.

During this period you may share information using the dedicated channel #bhg17-japan in the Brainhack Slack Site.

We call for participation from young researchers, students and engineers who are currently involved in brain sciences as well as those who are interested in this field.

Please visit from here:


Contact: office@nijc.brain.riken.jp


Google Calendar


Tomoki Kazawa

Hidetoshi Ikeno

Teiichi Furuichi

Yoshiyuki Asai

Akira Sato

Daisuke Miyamoto

Yoshihiro Okumura

Yoko Yamaguchi

Itsuko Ishii

Amsterdam, Netherlands

March 2-4

Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging

Chair: Pierre-Louis Bazin

The 2017 Brainhack in Amsterdam is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017. Please click here for more information.

Contact: bazin@cbs.mpg.de


Google Calendar


Pierre-louis Bazin

Pieter Buur

Serge Dumoulin

Bilbao, Spain

March 2-4

Cruces University Hospital

Chair: Asier Erramuzpe Aliaga

Brainhack Global's local event in Bilbao will be a 3-day workshop held between March 2nd - 4th at Cruces University Hospital, Bizkaia, Spain. Brainhack events convenes researchers from a myriad of disciplines to work together on projects related to neuroscience. Similar to hackathons in the tech sector, much of the schedule is left open for attendees to work together on projects of their choosing. We also include “unconference” sessions where talks are chosen by the attendees based on their interests as they evolve throughout the meeting. Brainhacks are not “coding sprints” or exclusive to programmers, but rather are open to brain scientists from all backgrounds.

We will have 4 invited speakers: Bernard Mazoyer (Director of GIN in Bourdeaux), Enzo Tagliazucchi and Paulo Rodrgues and Vesna Prchkovska (CEO and Co-founders of Mint-Labs).

Working papers on the outcomes from Brainhack can appear in the Gigascience Brainhack Thematic Series, and shorter project reports from the event are eligible for the annual Brainhack Proceedings.

Registration is free for students <30 and 150€ for others (we have some fee grants for >30 under request). To register, please do it through this link .

Contact: asier.erramuzpe@gmail.com


Brainhack Global


Jesus M. Cortés

Paolo Bonifazi

Ibai Diez

Iñigo Gabilondo

Asier Erramuzpe

Cambridge, UK

March 2-4

University Centre, Cambridge

Chair: Kirstie Whitaker

The Cambridge satellite event will bring together researchers from across the University and research institutes. Participants are encouraged to self organise their activities but some suggestions include:

  • Work in teams through openly available tutorials for neuroimaging analyses
  • Work in teams through roadblocks in your analyses that are holding up your research
  • Add a feature to some open source code that you want to update
  • Develop a new workflow on old data, or an old workflow on new data
  • Build collaborations between people in different departments
  • Use the global brainhack network to access openly available data for your analyses

The three days will also include unconference opportunities to promote and share skills, knowledge and opportunities with the community along with four featured speakers (TBD).

We will be in the Higgs Room at the University Centre for this event. They have lots of space for us to work collaboratively with good wifi.

We are very grateful to the Wellcome Trust, the Mozilla Science Lab, Overleaf and the University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry for sponsoring our great location and the drinks, snacks, lunch and lots of coffee for the three days of Cambridge Brainhack.

Please visit our website or the Eventbrite page for more information and to sign up.

Contact: kw401@cam.ac.uk


Google Calendar





Amber Ruigrok

Hilde Taverne

Jan Freyberg

Kirstie Whitaker

Matilde Vaghi

Owen Parsons

Rezvan Farahibozorg

Richard Bethlehem

Coventry, UK

March 2-3

University of Warwick

Chair: Camille Maumet, Thomas Nichols, and Simon Schwab

Registration is now open for Brainhack Warwick 2017. This 2-day workshop will be held March 2nd - 3rd at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, and is part of Brainhack global, where a constellation of such events happen simultaneously around the globe. Brainhack events convenes researchers from a myriad of disciplines to work together on projects related to neuroscience. Similar to hackathons in the tech sector, much of the schedule is left open for attendees to work together on projects of their choosing. We also include “unconference” sessions where talks are chosen by the attendees based on their interests as they evolve throughout the meeting. Brainhacks are not “coding sprints” or exclusive to programmers, but rather are open to brain scientists from all backgrounds.

Working papers on the outcomes from Brainhack Warwick can appear in the Gigascience Brainhack Thematic Series, and shorter project reports from the event are eligible for the annual Brainhack Proceedings.

Thanks to generous funding from the Wellcome Trust, registration is free, and includes 2 lunches, a conference dinner, all coffee breaks and parking. To register, please email brainhack2017-warwick@googlegroups.com with your name, affiliation, current position and area of expertise. Space is limited so please only register if you are able to attend, we will confirm your place by return email. Should delegates wish to book accommodation they can contact reservations on reservations@warwick.ac.uk or 02476 573925.

Already registered? Submit your project!

Contact: brainhack2017-warwick@googlegroups.com

Website: https://brainhackwarwick.github.io/2017/


Google Calendar




Camille Maumet

Thomas Nichols

Simon Schwab

Leipzig, Germany

March 2-4

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Chair: Daniel Margulies

More information on the Brainhack Global Leipzig website

Contact: margulies@cbs.mpg.de


Google Calendar


Alfred Anwander

Blazej Baczkowski

Marcel Falkiewicz

Julia Huntenburg

Mark Lauckner

Daniel Margulies

Natacha Mendes

Sabine Oligschläger

Munich, Germany

March 2-3

German Neuroinformatics Node, LMU Munich, Biocenter

Chair: Thomas Wachtler

The Munich Brainhack event will be organized by the G-Node[1] and will focus on neuroinformatics solutions for storage, organization, and sharing of neurophysiology data[2]. It will include a tutorial on G-Node's GIN services[3] supporting versioned management and publishing of scientific data, and will feature collaborative hands-on sessions bringing together researchers and developers to address the scientists' data management use cases, and to improve and enhance the current solutions.

The Brainhack will take place at the LMU Munich, Department Biology II, attendance is free of charge. If you would like to join, please drop us an email at dev@g-node.org

[1] http://www.g-node.org

[2] http://g-node.github.io

[3] https://web.gin.g-node.org

Contact: dev@g-node.org


Google Calendar


Christian Garbers

Achilleas Koutsou

Michael Sonntag

Thomas Wachtler

Paris, France

March 2-4

Institut Pasteur

Chair: Roberto Toro and Michel Thiebaut de Schotten

Join us for 3 days of interaction between scientists, coders, clinicians and artists interested in the brain. We want to explore questions around the development and diversity of the brain using MRI or postmortem dissection; brain evolution across species; the appearance of brain pathologies; and the artistic representation of brain data. Participants can bring their own projects and recruit a team of collaborators on site. We will provide access to big online neuroimaging databases for new creative ideas to be tested.

For more information, program and registration please come to our Brainhack Global Paris Website.

Contact: rto@pasteur.fr, michel.thiebaut@gmail.com


Google Calendar


Leonardo Cerliani

Katja Heuer

Anastasia Osoianu


Michel Thiebaut de Schotten

Roberto Toro

Gael Varoquaux

Rotterdam, Netherlands

March 2-4

Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging

Chair: Tonya White

Brainhack Rotterdam has now merged with Brainhack Amsterdam! Please click here for more information.

Contact: t.white@eramusmc.nl


Tonya White

Stockholm, Sweden

March 3-4

Karolinska Institute, INCF Secretariat, Nobels väg 15 A

Chair: Malin Sandström, Gustav Nilsonne, Anders Eklund

Brainhack Global 2017 will unite local & regional Brainhacks held all over the world during the same dates, March 2-5. INCF community members are participating in many of the local Brainhacks, and some are also hosted by INCF Nodes. A Swedish branch of the Brainhack Global will be held on the Karolinska Institute campus in Stockholm on March 3-4, organized by the INCF Secretariat (incf.org) together with the local community. The schedule will be organized by the attendees according to their interests; to work together on projects of their choosing, or organize “unconference” presentations with spontaneous talks.

Open Data Day March 4

March 4 is Open Data Day! We'll celebrate with a few presentations on open neurodata: one by Gustav Nilsonne on open neuroimaging data, and one by Anders Eklund on the tool BIDS Apps. There will be possibilities to work with open neurodata of various sorts, and assistance for those who want to make their data open.

Interested in attending? Great! Please fill in this nonbinding expression of interest to help us plan.

Contact: malin@incf.org




Malin Sandström


York, UK


March 2-5

York Neuroimaging Centre

Chair: Deniz Vatansever

Registration for the very first Brainhack York event is now OPEN.

Organised as part of the Brainhack Global 2017, this 4-day workshop will be held between the 2nd and 5th March at the York Neuroimaging Centre, providing an opportunity for brain scientists from York to interact with researchers worldwide in a collaborative environment. The major aim of Brainhack events is to allow attendees to work together on neuroimaging projects of their choosing and to discuss ideas, analysis techniques, ask and answer scientific questions using openly available data.

In line with our site-specific theme: “Brain Connectivity and Open Science Tools”, Brainhack York will feature small tutorials on big data analysis, discussions on resting state and task-based neuroimaging, best practices in using open science tools, small unconference talks and open hacking sessions for attendees to work on neuroimaging projects.

Raw and preprocessed versions of neuroimaging data from big cohort studies will be available locally during the event, though attendees are welcome to bring their own data for analysis. The bulk of this workshop will focus on fMRI. However, if interested, attendees are encouraged to work on other modalities, including but not limited to MEG and EEG. There is no “coding expertise” required and brain scientists from all backgrounds can and will make significant contribution to the projects.

Registration is FREE and includes lunch and refreshments on each of the four days as well as a social event that will be organised at the venue. For more information and to register, please visit the event website: https://www.ynic.york.ac.uk/events/brainhack or e-mail deniz.vatansever@york.ac.uk.

We look forward to welcoming you at Brainhack York!

Contact: deniz.vatansever@york.ac.uk


Google Calendar




Hao-Ting Wang

Mladen Sormaz

Theodoros Karapanagiotidis

Deniz Vatansever

Zurich, Switzerland

March 2-3

University Research Priority Program Dynamics of Healthy Aging, University of Zurich

Chair: Franz Liem and Frank Scharnowski

The Zurich Brainhack will focus on introductory hands-on tutorials on tools for (neuroimaging) data analysis to promote reproducible science. Furthermore, the event aims to connect the Zurich neuroscience community by providing a space for open discussion.

Please register here!

More Information here!

Contact: brainhack.zh@gmail.com


Google Calendar


Amelia Haugg

Franz Liem

Jessica Oschwald

Frank Scharnowski

Ronald Sladky

Vivian Steiger

London, Canada

March 2-4

Robarts Research Institute, Western University

Chairs: Ali Khan and Joern Diedrichsen

The BrainsCAN initiative and Robarts Research Institute will be hosting the inaugural Brainhack Western! Brainhack Western brings together researchers and trainees with disparate backgrounds to collaborate on open science projects in neuroimaging and neuroscience. Brainhack projects are pitched on the first night, and attendees will form into teams to work on these projects over the next two days. Tutorial sessions on a variety of topics will be also held throughout for attendees to learn new skills.

When: March 2-4, 2017
Cost: Free, also includes on-site meals, snacks and coffee
Location: 6th floor of Robarts Research Institute, Western University
Sponsors: IBM Canada, EpLink - The Ontario Brain Institute Epilepsy Program, the BrainsCAN Initiative, and the Biomedical Imaging Research Centre (BIRC)
Contact: western.brainhack@gmail.com

For more information and to register, please click here


Google Calendar






Ali Khan

Joern Diedrichsen

Philippe Castonguay

Jordan DeKraker

Geetika Gupta

Jason Kai

Patrick Park

Xin Yue Wang

Montreal, Canada

March 2-3

Notman house, 51 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, CA

Chair: Pierre Bellec

For more information please see the, Brainhack Montreal 2017 website.

Contact: pierre.bellec@gmail.com


Google Calendar






Julien Cohen-Adad

Benjamin De Leener

Leigh MacIntyre

Manuel Parker

Dave McFarlane

Clara Moreau

Pierre-Olivier Quirion

Toronto, Canada

March 2-4

Bell Gateway Building, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Queen Street Site) 100 Stokes Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6J IH4

Chair: Stephen Strother and Erin W Dickie

This three day event, supported by the Ontario Brain Initiative, will bring together local scientist and trainees in neuroimaging from institutions across the region. The program will include kickoff symposium: “Advances and Challenges in Neuroscience Data Integration (multi-centre, multimodal, and multi-species)” including speakers Stephen Strother (Rotman Research Institute) and Leon French (CAMH), Anne Wheeler (SickKids) and Jason Lerch (SickKids).

We hope you will come join us! Thanks to support from OBI, registration will be very affordable ($20) and will include Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks. A cocktail dinner social is planned for the evening of March 3rd.

For more information and to register, please visit the local event website.

Contact: erin.w.dickie@gmail.com


Google Calendar


Stephen Strother

Erin W Dickie

David Rotenberg

CAMH Scientific Computing Working Group



Albuquerque, USA

March 2-5

Mind Research Network, University of New Mexico

Chair: Eva Mennigen

The Brainhack Global – Albuquerque will be a satellite event preceding the Keystone Symposium “Synapses and Circuits: Formation, Function, and Dysfunction”. We will dedicate this hackathon to “Brain Dynamics and Dynamic functional connectivity”. Talks will cover introductions to dynamic functional connectivity and window-less dynamic connectivity as well as a new approach of deep learning algorithms to explore brain dynamics. Registration will open soon.

Contact: emennigen@mrn.org


Google Calendar


Eva Mennigen

Salman Mustafa

Eswar Damaraju

Vince Calhoun

Ann Arbor, USA

March 2-5

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Chairs: Daniel Kessler and Scott Peltier

The 2017 Brainhack in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will feature projects, presentations, and training proposed by the people who attend (this means you). For more information, registration, and a schedule, please visit the local website.

Contact: Organizers


Local Website


Scott Peltier

Daniel Kessler

Birmingham, USA

March 2-4

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Chair: Kristina Visscher

Registration is now open for Brainhack UAB 2017. This 3-day workshop will be held March 2nd - 4th at the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) and is part of Brainhack global, where a constellation of such events happen simultaneously around the globe. Brainhack events convene researchers from a myriad of disciplines to work together on projects related to neuroscience. Similar to hackathons in the tech sector, much of the schedule is left open for attendees to work together on projects of their choosing. Brainhacks are not “coding sprints” or exclusive to programmers, but rather are open to brain scientists from all backgrounds. Part of the goal is to get people with different backgrounds working together to understand the brain.

Working papers on the outcomes from Brainhack UAB can appear in the Gigascience Brainhack Thematic Series, and shorter project reports from the event are eligible for free publication in the annual Brainhack Proceedings.

The event will be held March 2nd from 5:30 PM to 9 PM, March 3rd from 9 AM to 9 PM, and March 4th 9 AM to 6 PM. Thanks to generous funding from the UAB HSF, registration is free, and includes some meals and coffee breaks. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own computers. To register, please go to this site https://goo.gl/forms/zJpazUwKeVFYNZjp2. Space is limited so please only register if you are able to attend, we will confirm your place by return email. Already registered? Submit a project idea!

Contact: kmv@uab.edu


Google Calendar


Kristina Visscher

Kelli Cannon

Bloomington, USA

March 2-4

University of Indiana at Bloomington

Chair: Eleftherios Garyfallidis

The 2017 Brainhack in Bloomington is a region event of Brainhack Global 2017. Here is the link to the registration page https://www.indiana.edu/~irf/home/brainhack-bloomington.

Contact: elef@indiana.edu


Google Calendar


Eleftherios Garyfallidis

Sharlene Newman

Amanda Mejia

Franco Pestilli

Boston, USA

March 2-5


MIT will be hosting Boston's participation of Brainhack Global 2017 on March 2-5. This hackathon will focus on finding, accessing, interpreting, and utilitizing open brain imaging data. Tutorials will cover topics such as data standards, machine learning for brain imaging, python analysis, and deep learning with Tensorflow.

Contact: satra@mit.edu, keith.heberlein@siemens.com, david.kennedy@umassmed.edu, kravdijk@gmail.com, christopher.madan@bc.edu, effigies@bu.edu


Google Calendar



Site Projects Page



Satrajit Ghosh

Keith Heberlein

David Kennedy

Koene Van Dijk

Christopher Madan

Christopher Markiewicz

Julia Leonard

Kevin Sitek

Mathias Goncalves

Washington DC, USA

March 2-3


Chair: Javier Gonzalez-Castillo

A Brainhack, part of the Brainhack Global Effort (http://events.brainhack.org/global2017/), will take place on the NIMH campus in Bethesda, MD on March 2nd and 3rd, 2017. Brainhacks are unique events that convene researchers from across the globe and a myriad of disciplines to work together on innovative projects related to neuroscience. Please join us for this 2-day event and become part of this community of brain enthusiasts working on real neuroscience research problems. At Brainhack@NIMH you will have an opportunity to learn about alternative data analyses, build new analysis and visualizations tools and help materialize new research ideas. All this while you build strong collaborations with fellow neuroscientists from the local Washington region.

In contrast to traditional conferences, which are structured around the lecturer-audience paradigm, Brainhacks are designed to maximize interactions between all participants. To do so, Brainhacks gravitate around real-life neuroscience projects in which attendees work on a highly collaborative manner for the duration of the event.

How does it work? Brainhack@NIMH welcomes project proposals related to neuroscience including projects on big data analytics, machine learning, and neurofeedback. Attendees are encouraged to pitch their own projects during the opening remarks. After project pitches, attendees will choose a project to “hack” with. Brainhacking will occur for two full days during which you will have the opportunity to interact with and learn from other experts with a shared interest in neuroscience and open science. Working sessions will be accompanied by small “unconferences” during which group leaders will provide project reports and receive feedback from all brainhackers. At the conclusion of the Brainhack, you will have contributed to the sprouting of new projects and tools that will help advance neuroscientific research.

Registration for the Brainhack@NIMH is now open. This event is free. No meals will be provided. Attendees can bring their own meals or buy them at any of the on-campus cafeterias. We will not provide computers, so all attendees must bring their own laptops to brainhack. This event has limited attendance, so please sign up only if you are certain that you will be attending and actively participating in the event. If you change your mind, please inform the Brainhack@NIMH organizers (email to: BRAINHACK2017@mail.nih.gov) so that we can make your seat available to somebody else.

Registration is NOW OPEN:

Contact: BRAINHACK2017@nih.gov


Google Calendar


Catie Chang

Daniel Handwerker

Adam Thomas

Dorian Van Tassell

Michal Ramot

Durham, USA

March 2-5

Duke University

Chair: Luka Ruzic

The 2017 Brainhack in Durham is an event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: luka.ruzic@duke.edu




Luka Ruzic

Eugene, Oregon

March 4-5

University of Oregon

Chair: Kate Mills

The University of Oregon is hosting a Brainhack from March 4-5, which is open to the public and free to attend. This event will bring together neuroscientists, psychologists, biologists, and computer scientists to collaborate on projects related to open science and analyzing big data. Projects that have been proposed so far plan to adapt neuroimaging pipelines into BIDS formats, explore ways to analyze microbiome data using openly available datasets, and contribute to open science initiatives such as NeuroVault.org. For more information, please visit our website. If you're interested in joining us and want more details, please fill out this form.

Contact: klmills@uoregon.edu


Google Calendar


Dani Cosme

John Flournoy

Kate Mills

Jennifer Pfeifer

Hanover, USA

March 2-5

Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College

Chair: Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello

The department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth is hosting a Brainhack on March 2-5. All members of the Dartmouth community are invited regardless of their coding experience. We will work on neuroimaging-related projects (PyMVPA, DueCredit, etc.), as well as provide tutorials and on-site help on common tools and scientific practices. If interested in participating, please sign up here. For more information, visit the Dartmouth Brainhack website

Contact: mvdoc.gr@dartmouth.edu


Google Calendar






Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello

Yaroslav Halchenko

Sam Nastase

Luke Chang

Eshin Jolly

Iowa City, USA

March 2-5

University of Iowa

Chair: Hans J. Johnson

The 2017 Brainhack in Iowa City is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: hans-johnson@uiowa.edu




Hans J. Johnson

Madison, USA

March 2-5

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chair: Rasmus Birn

The 2017 Brainhack in Madison is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: rbirn@wisc.edu




Rasmus Birn

Miami, USA

March 3

Florida International University

Chair: Angie Laird

Florida International University (FIU) and the University of Miami (UM) will be co-hosting a regional Brainhack Global event in Miami on Friday March 3rd. The purpose of this one-day event is to bring people together from different disciplines to learn new methods, develop skills, and facilitate collaborations with other participants. This year, our event will be located on FIU’s campus in GC (Graham Center) Room 140 from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The morning will include multiple mini-workshop sessions on Freesurfer (Anthony Dick), Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs; Aaron Mattfeld), Open Source Tools (Git/GiHub, Hypothes.is, BIDs/BIDS-Apps, etc.), as well as a Career Development Discussion aimed at grad students, RAs, and postdocs (Angie Laird and Lucina Uddin). After lunch, trainees are invited to give 5-minute Data Blitzes; a cash prize will be awarded to the best presentation. To reserve your spot, submit your data blitz presentation title, or if you would like more information, please send an email to Emily Boeving at eboev001@fiu.edu . Attendance is free and open to the public.

Contact: alaird@fiu.edu, l.uddin@miami.edu


Google Calendar


Angie Laird

Lucina Uddin

New York City, USA

March 2-4

Child Mind Institute

Chair: Cameron Craddock

The Child Mind Institute will host Brainhack NYC March 2-4. This free event is open to the public and will bring together brain enthusiasts from a variety of backgrounds to work together on open science projects in brain science. Projects are expected to range from developing new data anlysis methods and tools to performing analyses of openly shared datasets. Tutorials will also be available on topics including Python, Nipype, new open data formats, and using containers and cloud computing to improve the reproducibility of research. Each day will feature a keynote speaker and an unconference session during which attendees will have the opportunity to present on a topic of their choosing. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the generous support by the Child Mind Institute.

Keynote Speakers

  • Emily Finn and Monica Rosenberg: Mapping intra-individual variation in the human connectome
  • Micheal Milham: CMI's upcoming big data sharing intiatives
  • Fernando Chirigati: Preserving and Reproducing Research with ReproZip


Registration is at capacity for Thursday and Friday, but space is still available for Saturday: Registration Page.

Contact cameron.craddock@gmail.com for more information


Google Calender


Cameron Craddock

Alison Walensky



San Francisco, USA

March 3-5 (Friday evening, all-day Saturday/Sunday)

Manylabs, 1086 Folsom Street, San Francisco

Chair: Dan Lurie

Contact: danjlurie+brainhack AT gmail

For more information, please see the Brainhack Global San Francisco 2017 website.


Google Calendar


Space is limited! Get your ticket now on Eventbrite.


Dan Lurie (UC Berkeley)

JB Poline (UC Berkeley)

Russ Poldrack (Stanford)

Anisha Keshavan (UCSF)

Chris Gorgolewski (Stanford)

Teon Brooks (Mozilla/Stanford)

Seattle, USA

March 2-5

The WRF Data Science Studio, Physics/Astronomy tower 6th Floor

Chair: Ariel Rokem

The 2017 Brainhack in Seattle is a regional event of Brainhack Global 2017.

Contact: arokem@gmail.com




Ariel Rokem

St. Louis, USA

March 3-5

Danforth University Center Room 234, Washington University in St. Louis

Chair: Caitlin Carey

For more information on Brainhack St. Louis please visit https://sites.google.com/view/wustlbrainhack/home"

Contact: cemcarey@gmail.com


Google Calendar


Caitlin Carey

Urbana, USA

March 2-4

Beckman Institute, UIUC

Chair: Brad Sutton

Take part in a distributed mega-brainhack event from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on March 2-4, 2017. Brainhack is a community-organized hackathon and unconference that brings together neuroscience researchers from a variety of disciplines: from psychology to neuroscience to engineering and computer science. Groups will focus on developing analytical approaches to large neuroimaging data sets including: structural MRI, functional MRI, EEG, and optical methods (fNIRS and EROS). Come develop your own skills while you kick off new research projects and create new tools to enable the next breakthrough in understanding brain function and organization, all while getting tips from experts across the world.

Local information and registration.

Contact: brainhack.uiuc@gmail.com


Google Calendar


Brad Sutton

Sanmi Koyejo

Sepideh Sadaghiani Friberg

Querétaro, Mexico

March 2-5

UNAM Instituto de Neurobiología, Boulevard Juriquilla 5001, Juriquilla, 76230 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Chair: Fernando Barrios

The 2017 Brainhack in Querétaro is a regional event of Brainhack Americas.

Contact: fbarrios@unam.mx, alcauter@gmail.com




Sarael Alcauter

Fernando A Barrios

Erick H Pasaye

Porto Alegre, Brasil

March 3-4

PUCRS, Crialab, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Chair: Alexandre Franco

More information on the Brainhack Porto Alegre website

Contact: alexandre.franco@pucrs.br


Alexandre Franco

Felipe Meneguzzi

José Osmar Filho

Bruno Goulart de Oliveira

Nathalia Esper

Valparaíso, Chile

March 3-4

Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile

Chair: Alejandro Weinstein


Contact: alejandro.weinstein@uv.cl


Google Calendar


Alejandro Weinstein