Requesting Cloud Resources

Requesting Cloud Resources

Request resources via a Github Issue Template

  1. Fill in this form.

  2. Once an admin acts on this, you can continue.

Activate your account

An admin will create your account and send you a password and you will get an activation email from Oracle


Click on the activation link.

Now, it’s very important that you expand the LOWER section of this login field and fill in your Username from the email and the password you were sent!


Then click on Sign In.

Then change your password and hit Save New Password


If you are using any non Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser you need to indicate that you don’t want to be warned if things don’t work as expected (note: Edge works fine!).


If everything is complete you should see this.


You should now be able to select your Compartment (which should be named like your project) and start using resources.


Always make sure to select your compartment - otherwise you cannot see or create resources.

Happy computing :)

Last modified April 1, 2022: fix typos (f9a8737)