Title: CleanBibImpact: Do papers with a Citation Diversity Statement have more diverse citations?
Project lead: Kendra Oudyk (Twitter: @koudyk Mattermost: @kendra.oudyk
Project collaborators: You? :)
(collaborators not at this hackathon: Jennifer Stiso, Dale Zhou, Jordan Dworkin, Danielle Bassett)
Registered Brainhack Global 2020 Event: Montreal, Canada
Project Description:
Gender imbalance is a big problem in academic research, and it is even reflected in our citation behavior. Our goal is to assess the ‘impact’ of the cleanBib tool, which was created to make researchers more aware of this problem. This tool can be used to assess the gender balance of authors in a reference list. Specifically, we want to find papers that cite the cleanBib code/paper/preprint, and see whether those citing papers have better gender balance in their reference lists than papers that do not.
Here’s a preliminary figure we made by manually searching for citing papers, up to October 2021. Our Goal 0 (see below) is to update this manual figure up to January 2021. Our Goals 1-5 are mean to automate this process.
Data to use:
Link to project repository/sources:
Goals for Brainhack Global 2020:
Few skills needed:
Here we’d benefit from skills in Python, working with APIs, and causality (we’ll do these steps in order):
Good first issues:
Techy skills that would be helpful (but not necessary)
Non-techy skills
Tools/Software/Methods to Use:
Communication channels:
Mattermost channel: cleanBibImpact
Project labels
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