OpenMentalizing: leveraging open neurological data for uncovering the differences in mentalizing/empathy capabilities
Project lead: Stefan Dvoretskii Twitter: https://twitter.com/StefanDvoretsk1 Mattermost:
Project collaborators: Giorgio Marinato giorgio.marinato@unitn.it
Acknowledgements: The project lead thanks Dr. Aleya Flechsenhar! for the seminar “Social cognitive dysfunction” @ LMU Munich, providing theoretical background and state-of-the-art literature about the current research on the topic.
Registered Brainhack Global 2020 Event: Brainhack Montreal, Brainhack Marseille
Project Description: Mentalizing is a higher cognitive ability that is vital for the social life of an individual. New brain imaging techniques have investigated neural circuits involved in mentalizing the most. The goal of this project is to leverage open neurological data to try and gain the scale in the mentalizing abilities confounders like disease/healthy state, cultural background of the individuals etc., utilizing the state-of-the-art knowledge of the topography of underlying circuits.
Data to use: openneuro.org. I have thought of T1 in the first place (i.e. structural changes)
Link to project repository/sources: See https://mattermost.brainhack.org/brainhack/channels/openmentalizing header
Goals for Brainhack Global 2020:
Good first issues:
Recommended reading:
Skills: MRI imaging, structural MRI, basic neuropsychology, mentalizing & empathy psychology
Tools/Software/Methods to Use: Your imaging analysis tool & language (suggested: Python, Julia), OpenNeuro, DataLad, [Brainlife] (brainlife.io)
Communication channels: https://mattermost.brainhack.org/brainhack/channels/openmentalizing
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