Title: Make Of BrainWeb
Project lead: The BrainWeb Community https://twitter.com/TheBrainWeb
Project collaborators: @katjaQHeuer @r3rt0 @anibalsolon @Remi-Gau @neurabenn @complexbrains
Registered Brainhack Global 2020 Event: Brainhack Earth
Project Description: BrainWeb is a permanent virtual space for online collaborations on projects related to neuroscience. Inspired by initiatives such as Brainhack Global, the OHBM Hackathon, and the OHBM Equinox Brain Twitter Conference, BrainWeb aims at providing an online workspace to facilitate distributed collaboration on a continuous basis. Help us build the BrainWeb and make the tools that will allow us to work as a community!
Link to project repository/sources: https://github.com/brain-web/brain-web.github.io
Goals for Brainhack Global 2020:
Good first issues
Communication channels:
Project labels
Project development status: #2_releases_existing
Topic of the projet: #data_visualisation, #diversity_inclusivity_equality, #community_building, #distributed_collaboration, #brain_web
Programming language used in the project: #javascript
Git skills required to enter the project (more than one possible): #2_branches_PRs
I added all of the labels I want an associate to my project
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