Going beyond pairwise interactions by digging into Higher-Order Interactions
Etienne Combrisson (@EtienneCmb), Andrea Brovelli (@brovelli) and Daniele Marinazzo (@danielemarinazzo)
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Brainhack Marseille
Modern theories suggest that cognitive functions emerge from the dynamic coordination of neural activity over large-scale and hierarchical networks. Currently, the characterization of a network and therefore, the functional interactions between brain regions, is usually performed using metrics of Functional Connectivity (FC). FC analysis is mostly based on the quantification of statistical relations between pairs of brain regions. However, pairwise interactions are probably insufficient to explain the emergence of more complex brain network interactions, such as during goal-directed learning tasks. Here, we propose to move beyond pairwise interactions by studying at Higher Order Interactions (HOI) i.e. quantifying the information carried by groups of “over-two” brain regions (= multiplets). As a first step, a framework called O-information (= Information about Organizational structure) was recently proposed to characterize redundancy- and synergy-dominated systems. This framework has recently been extended with the dOinfo (= dynamic Information about Organizational structure) to quantify how multiplets of variables carry information about the future of the dynamical system they belong to. This dOinfo extension allows to separate multiplets of variables which influence synergistically the future of the system from redundant multiplets.
Since (d)OInfo frameworks are recent, the math underneath are quite new and we are not necessary familiar with it. The overall goal of this project is to understand the methods by looking at the reference papers and the Python / Matlab implementations of both (d)OInfo.
During this BainHack, we will :
If we still have time, here are some new features that could be added to the Python toolbox :
Computational : 70% Information-theory : 60% Math : 50% Python : 70% Matlab : 30%
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Contributors will be added to the README
1_basic structure
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Hi @Brainhack-Global/project-monitors: my project is ready!