Viewing the world in third-person - experimental considerations for a successful study
Jérémy Faggion
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Brainhack Marseille
What are you doing, for whom, and why?
I am conceiving an experiment to study the implications of living with a third-person point of view on mental states and self-awareness. For self-awareness implications, see for instance research from Olaf Blanke. I expect positive implications for users, including increased self awareness and increased focus, and interesting implications for users undergoing temporary stress or anxiety. If the issue of learning to associate somatosensory information to the new way of seeing the world can be solved, this could open the door to many more experiments around metacognition, but also around learning involving perception and movement of the body. Inspired by the study of Hubert Dolezal in 1982, using prism glasses to experience the world upside-down.
What makes your project special and exciting?
Visuo-tactile association in third-person point of view is hard to achieve. The challenge revolves around how to make the brain learn that association. One candidate approach is to start from a first-person point of view and gradually transition to a third-person point of view, using a camera transmitting its video feed to a headset worn by the user. Existing solutions exist for drone piloting (FPV goggles).
How to get started?
Identify the bottlenecks to come. Propose a design solution to allow for a gradual transition from first-person to third-person point of view. Experiment with FPV goggles and bring them to the Brainhack :) The outcome of this project should be in the form of schematics, prototypes, pseudocode, people to reach out to and a list of resources to take inspiration from.
Where to find key resources?
By typing “fpv goggles third person” in a search engine
The outcome of this project should be in the form of schematics, pseudocode, people to reach out to and a list of resources to take inspiration from. Iteration cycles should be as short as possible. Testing should ideally happen on-site during the hackathon.
Gradual transition from 1st person to 3rd person - engineering task
Visuo-tactile association in shifted or novel ways of viewing the world - literature review task
Getting your hands on a drone and FPV goggles - engineering task
Identifying if using a stereo camera will prove crucial - literature review task
Direct messaging app - TBD
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Sensorimotor association, mental states, self-awareness, engineering and coding, and iterating fast
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Names engraved on a block of cheese and fed to seaguls
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Hi @brainhackorg/project-monitors my project is ready!