Brainhack projects database
Rémi Gau
None at the moment
Brainhack Marseille
This is a remote project
The brainhack has been running for more than 10 years, yet we do not have single centralised resource to show in a fairly exhaustive manner the diversity of projects that have happened over the past decade.
Having a quick way to create reports about the success of brainhack could make significantly easier for event organizer to look for funding.
In the past few years more and more events have started listing their projects as github issues.
This now makes it easier to
start creating a mini database of
to create an interactive dashboard to query and create visualizations of that database
This is almost a blank slate project, so if you are afraid to break things: good news, there is (almost) nothing to break.
If you know nothing about databases and dashboards: good news, me neither! I am using this project to learn about them.
We will be working on this repo.
Some of the data in this folder as TSV and JSON
There are a couple of scripts to help list project issues from a repo and create a table of all projects
for past brainhack events
collect all projects infos for each event using the github API
create a table of all projects
create an interactive dashboard
good first issues are listed here
We will be using the mattermost channel that is used by the “brainhack paper jupyter book”.
None at the moment
Data is currently stored on this repo as TSV and JSON
Part of this project is to make this data grow.
Be added to the brainhack jupyter book contributors list
Leave this text if you don’t have an image yet.
Python, other
0_no_git_skills, 1_commit_push, 3_continuous_integration
Not for now
Hi @brainhackorg/project-monitors my project is ready!