fMRI-EEG Preprocessing QA


fMRI-EEG Preprocessing QA


@s_goodale23 - Sarah Goodale


No response

Brainhack Global 2023 Event

BrainHack Vanderbilt

Project Description

We are working on developing a QA pipeline for simultaneously collected fMRI-EEG data so that the user can determine whether the data is denoised and clean enough for further analyses.

Preprocessing is a critical step in neuroimaging analysis, laying the foundation for accurate and meaningful scientific discoveries. We need help configuring a pipeline to quality check for multiple datasets. This project will allow attendees with or without experience handling fMRI/EEG data to get a chance to work with what we call the “raw data”. Working on a QC pipeline includes devising visuals of what the data looks like at various stages to make sure that the preprocessing is working as you expected and the data collected is good quality for future analyses. Toolboxes used include AFNI, FSL, ANTs, chronux, etc.

Goals for Brainhack Global

Good first issues

  1. issue one: organizing and deciding on best QA for both fMRI and EEG modalities
  2. issue two: experimenting with toolboxes to get various plots or figures for the QA step of interest
  3. issue three: develop an outline of a script that will output a clean, clear, and easy to use pdf or html of QA figures

Communication channels

#fmri-eeg-preproc channel on BrainHack Vanderbilt Discord


Familiarity in working with fMRI and/or EEG data will help but is not necessary to join the project!

Onboarding documentation

No response

What will participants learn?

Participants will:

Data to use

Public HCP dataset for deidentified fMRI data ( .

Previously collected and deidentified EEG data from a home collected data where pieces have been made publicly available on .

Number of collaborators


Credit to collaborators

Collaborators will be credited on the GitHub site documentation for any users who are interested in downloading and using this project’s QA pipeline.


Leave this text if you don’t have an image yet.


pipeline_development, visualization

Development status

1_basic structure




AFNI, ANTs, FSL, SPM, other

Programming language

Matlab, Python, shell_scripting, unix_command_line



Git skills

0_no_git_skills, 1_commit_push

Anything else?

other under topic: pre-processing, quality analysis

Things to do after the project is submitted and ready to review.

Jan 1, 0001 12:00 AM