Document NIAK

The Neuroimaging Analysis Kit (NIAK) is a software library for the data mining of large fMRI datasets.
The Neuroimaging Analysis Kit (NIAK) is a software library for the data mining of large fMRI datasets. It is developped by members and collaborators of the SIMEXP-lab at UdM. The objective of this project will be to reformat the existing documentation into a much cleaner flat doc website, using easy-to-edit mark-down files. In addition to a simple port of the existing documentation, we’ll add pages on some recent pipelines (BASC-FIR, GLM-connectome, GLM-FIR). We’ll also be working on step-by-step tutorials.
During Brainhack, we will continue the development of this web-interface. We are interested in any advices and help from people experimented in web-interface development.
What can I do?
Some NIAK contributors will be at the hackaton, working on new content. Even if you don’t know anything about the project, there are ways to make extremely useful contributions: review/clarify the existing documentation, test-drive and improve the tutorials.
Pierre Bellec