Thematic Series

Submissions are being accepted for the “Brainhack Thematic Series – Open Tools for Neuroscience” published in the GigaScience Journal.
We are excited to announce the “Brainhack Thematic Series – Open Tools for Neuroscience”, which will be published in conjunction with GigaScience. This exciting series will highlight new tools and pipelines produced from past and future Brainhack events, in order to improve data sharing and reproducibility of results within neuroscience. In addition to open review and open-access publication of your Research Articles, Technical Notes, and Data Notes, all supporting tools, materials, methods and results will also be openly available in the GigaScience repository, GigaDB.
GigaScience aims to revolutionize data dissemination, organization, understanding, and use to facilitate the reproducibility of science. As an online, open-access and open-data journal, they publish ALL research objects (open data, tools, workflows and pipelines) from ‘big-data’ studies from the entire spectrum of life and biomedical sciences.
Submission is open, just indicate your intention to publish in the Brainhack thematic series in the cover letter. Included manuscripts will receive a 15% discount on GigaScience’s article processing charges.