15 Minute DSI Project

The 15 Minute DSI Project first began at the 2013 Hackathon in Paris, France.
The 15 Minute DSI Project first began at the 2013 Hackathon in Paris, France. Siemens MR sponsored/attended the meeting and brought along a 15min DSI data set using the latest advanced in MR technology: MAGNETOM Prisma 3T scanner with 80 mT/m gradients, 64 channel head/neck coil and slice accelerated (3x) diffusion imaging. Here we would like to make the data set available to the neuroimaging community with the aim of providing a state of the art reference data set for advanced visualization techniques. Included is a half q-space 257 direction DSI with 2mm isotropic resolution acquired in under 15 minutes using Kawin Setsompop’s blipped CAIPI simultaneous multislice approach to slice acceleration. Also included is a standard 1mm isotropic MPRAGE scan.
(about the project image: 15min DSI rendered in TrackVis courtesy of Cameron Craddock, PhD)
Keith Heberlein