Development of a Web-Interface Processing Spinal Cord MR Images

This toolbox allows extraction of multi-parametric MRI data as well as large-group and multi-center studies.
The Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT) is a comprehensive and powerful software enabling the registration of patient’s MR images on a generic template of the spinal cord ( This toolbox allows extraction of multi-parametric MRI data as well as large-group and multi-center studies. The SCT is currently a command-based software without graphical user interface (GUI). We are currently working on a web-interface for the toolbox, enabling spinal cord MR image processing as well as volume and surface visualization. The visualization part is based on BrainBrowser interface (
During Brainhack, we will continue the development of this web-interface. We are interested in any advices and help from people experimented in web-interface development.
Benjamin De Leener