MRI Quality Control

Currently it supports plotting information about tSNR, coregistration and motion.
The Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC) suite of services have facilitated 1.8 million downloads across the globe and include: 1) NITRC Resources Repository (NITRC-R), the “go to” collaboration environment that enables the worldwide distribution, enhancement, and adoption of over 650 neuroinformatics tools and resources, 2) NITRC Image Repository (NITRC-IR), a curated repository of nine studies distributing a total of 20,579 DICOM and NIfTI scanned images searchable by metadata such as diagnosis, handedness, gender and group, and 3) NITRC Computational Environment (NITRC-CE), a virtual big data compute service pre-configured with popular neuroimaging software analysis tools allowing pay-as-you-go compute time.
NITRC-R facilitates open science through collaboration among neuroscientists across competing research institutions with senior researchers addressing questions by one of NITRC-R’s 3,500 forum subscribers on over 358 ever changing topics. With no requirement to do so in order to browse and download resources, NITRC-R has become such an invaluable tool for the neuroinformatics community that it supports 8,765 registered users among the 335,160 unique annual visitors generating 3.2 million total page-views. To date, the community has freely downloaded data sets 621,550 times for training and research purposes. As a result of the valuable services provided by NITRC, has been cited in 1,300 publications abstracted by Google Scholar with its most recent service, NITRC-CE innovating the leap towards reproducibility by lowering key barriers ensuring the ability to exactly replicate a study from data, software, workflow, algorithms, and methodology. Leveraging NeuroDebian, NITRC-CE comes pre-installed with over a dozen popular neuroimaging software packages, eliminating the inefficient process of trial and error software and systems configuration which consume all too valuable research time.
Nina Preuss