1st Computational Psychiatry Hack @ China 2021

Get hands dirty, learn by doing!
URL: 1st Computational Psychiatry Hack
The 1st Computational Psychiatry Hack @ China is jointly organized by the Chinese Computational Psychiatry Network (CCPN), the Sophon Academy and Heywhale. In this program, the participants will join as a team to learn computational modeling. They will reproduce the analysis of a published paper in the computational psychiatry (CP) [1], under the guidance of experienced experts. All the participants will have a precious experience to know the CP field by doing a completed project with teammates and chance to win impressive scholarships!
The slogan is ‘Get hands dirty, learn by doing!’.
Contact information: genghy@hku.hk, Dr. Haiyang Geng, Postdoc researcher at the Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong
[1] Gagne, C., Zika, O., Dayan, P., & Bishop, S. J. (2020). Impaired adaptation of learning to contingency volatility in internalizing psychopathology. ELife, 9, e61387. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.61387