Brainhack Krakow 2022

Join us in Krakow for a Brainhack on brain simulations in health and disease!
Description: Brainhack Krakow will take place on 21-23.10.2022, at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University. Registration is open until 2 Oct 2022.
We will focus on projects dealing with modeling brain activity, cognitive processes or other inter-individual characteristics, based on neuroscience data from open access repositories. Full list of projects can be found:
The aim of the Brainhack is to learn, share the knowledge on data mining, machine learning and brain research and meet new, enthusiastic researchers, make new friendships in academia. Our event also promotes open science in the spirit of the whole Brainhack community. Attendees of various backgrounds are welcome to join, mainly from computer science, neurobiology, cognitive sciences and psychology!
We encourage you to participate in the Brainhack Krakow 2022.
Registration deadline: 2 Oct 2022
More information can be found on our website and social media: